The IFOCE has released its rankings of the top eaters on the circuit worldwide.

1. Takeru Kobayashi
2. Kazutoyo Arai
3. Charles Hardy
4. Oleg Zhornitzky
5. Ed Krachie
6. Steve Keiner
7. Hirofumi Nakajima
8. Don Lerman
9. Eric Booker
10. Steven Addicks
11. Syd Goldstein
12. Takako Akasaka
13. Dominick Cardo
14. Jed Donahue
15. Bill Simmons
16. Andrew Becker
17. Chris Eyre
18. Misao Fujita
19. Edward Jarvis
20. David O'Karma
21. Leon Feingold
22. Sonny Manzi
23. Joe Menchetti
24.Peter Dowdeswell
25. Andrew Goldstein
26. Mike Pallidine
27. Kai Hoppman
28. Kevin Lipsitz
29. Bob Middleton
30. Justin Connolly
31. David Kondik
32. Gregory Frye
33. Russell Machover
34. Wayne Delduca
35. Barry Noble
36. Lester Tucker
37. William Stobierski
38. Godfrey Bertelsen
39. George Glum
40. Dom Pensebene
41. Edward Cioffi
42. David Molesky
43. Kid Cary Degrosa
44. Lloyd Mobley
45. Eric Seigmund
46. Dominic Marconi
47. Mark Vogeding
48. Bruce Stock
49. John Thompson
50. Nick Stipelkovich
51. Paul Mespelli
52. Dennis Tasic
53. Lyndon Byers
54. Lorraine Arroll
55. Marcus Steinhoff
56. Tom Colantoni
57. Donna Villec
58. Larry Butler
59. Phillip Lipper
60. George Boyajian
61. Kevin Lamb
62. Dominic Marconi
63. Ray Weslowski
64. Chris Schwarz
65. Brian Seiken
66. Sandra Stobierski
67. Joey Vasquez
68. Bill Visci
